North Country is the name of Academy Award-nominated film directed by Niki Caro and released in 2005. This film is a dramatic story starring Charlize Theron, Josey Aimes, as a female worker at a mining company. The film is based on the case Jenson v. Eveleth Taconite Co. brought by Lois Jenson, although Theron’s name in the movie is Josey Aimes. Many of the other characters in the movie are consolidations of several real-life characters
What Josey Aimes wants is a decent job so she can put food on the table and take care of her kids after she leaves her abusive husband. Instead she gets threatened, insulted, belittled, attacked and called dirty names. Ultimately, Josey ends up getting sexually harassed. Josey’s boss tells her to “take it like a man” but instead she takes it like a human being. In the end this all leads to a class-action lawsuit against her employer for failing to protect her and other female employees. North Country is a story of a woman who broke the gender barrier laboring in hazardous Minnesota iron mines. She also breaks legal ground with the nation’s first class-action sexual harassment lawsuit.
This film is an emotionally charged look into the life of a woman who is just trying to provide the best life she can for her children but in turn receives harsh treatment. North Country leaves the viewer continually wanting to see more into Josey Aimes’ life. Caro does an excellent job of telling the real-life story of Lois Jenson. North Country tells an emotionally potent story told with great dignity. This film gets an A+ rating for its ability to tell such a gripping story while keeping the audience’s attention.
What Josey Aimes wants is a decent job so she can put food on the table and take care of her kids after she leaves her abusive husband. Instead she gets threatened, insulted, belittled, attacked and called dirty names. Ultimately, Josey ends up getting sexually harassed. Josey’s boss tells her to “take it like a man” but instead she takes it like a human being. In the end this all leads to a class-action lawsuit against her employer for failing to protect her and other female employees. North Country is a story of a woman who broke the gender barrier laboring in hazardous Minnesota iron mines. She also breaks legal ground with the nation’s first class-action sexual harassment lawsuit.
This film is an emotionally charged look into the life of a woman who is just trying to provide the best life she can for her children but in turn receives harsh treatment. North Country leaves the viewer continually wanting to see more into Josey Aimes’ life. Caro does an excellent job of telling the real-life story of Lois Jenson. North Country tells an emotionally potent story told with great dignity. This film gets an A+ rating for its ability to tell such a gripping story while keeping the audience’s attention.
I missed this on HBO-- I'll have to keep an eye out for it as it's probably bound for TNT next.
Such an amazing movie. It goes very well with our cluster because of the stereotypes with women, and that they should not be working in a coal mine. They were treated horribly and it is so sad to see this played out in the film! GREAT CHOICE!!
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